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Center for Sustainability of USJP joins hands with University of Western Australia for waste recycling educational program

October 29, 2015   /    News   /    Comments Off on Center for Sustainability of USJP joins hands with University of Western Australia for waste recycling educational program

The University of Western Australia, together with the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, University of Moratuwa and the University of Jaffna with collaboration of the organization Waste for Life, aim to develop a unique capacity building educational program that supports development of novel community-based composite waste recycling and manufacturing businesses, positively contributing to local economies and environmental health – specifically clean air, water and sanitation.

The project Manager; Prof(Mrs). Caroline Baillie discussed with Prof. SampathAmaratunga, Vice Chancellor of the University about the future plans that will protract this collaboration. Center for Sustainability (CFS) incorporates this project representing the University of Sri Jayewardenepura and looking forward to integrate seamlessly with teaching, outreach, development and research goals of the center.


