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About Department of Physics

Department of Physics

“Physics is a creative activity of human mind. Studying Physics provides you with a delightful and a rewarding experience that will make you suitable for any future career”

The Department of Physics of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura has a long history that runs back to more than five decades. The Department is among the largest, in view of the number of students within the Faculty of Applied Sciences. It occupies two spacious two-story buildings that house lecturing theatres, halls and research laboratories. Falling in line with the mission of the University and the Faculty, the Department of Physics strives to provide a high quality learning experience to the students through a series of course units which cover both traditional fundamental aspects of Physics as well as more exciting recent developments.

The Department of Physics is proud of its student achievements. Our graduates have secured high profile careers as University academics, Scientists, Administrative officers, Managers, Teachers etc. and are contributing to uplift the productivity and economic growth of the nation.

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