
IC-FAS is a central research services facility which offers an array of services to meet the needs of the USJP research community especially the academics and the students of the Faculty of Applied Sciences and also academic or industrial researchers outside of USJP. All the instrumental time given for sample analysis by the IC-FAS are free only for the undergraduate students of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. All the other users have to pay a fee as shown by the following table to access the instruments.

User category Instrument Cost per analysis (Rs) With effect from 01.01.2023
BSc Special1/Honors1, MSc1(USJP Registered) All the instruments Free
MPhil, PhD students

(USJP registered – including RA s)


GC-MS 475.00
XRD (Spectrum Only) 475.00
AAS – Flame (Air/C2H2 mode) 75.00
AAS – Flame (N2O/C2H2 mode) 100.00
AAS – Furnace 150.00
FT-IR (ATR mode) 150.00
FT-IR (KBr Pellet Method) 250.00
Fluorescence 150.00
UV-VIS 50.00
IC 185.00
TGA 475.00
BSc2, MSc2. MPhil2, PhD2

Registered at other universities and research institutions

GC-MS 3,000.00
XRD (Spectrum Only) 3,000.00
XRD (Spectrum & Analysis) 7,000.00
AAS -Flame (Air/C2H2 mode) 600.00
AAS – Flame (N2O/C2H2 mode) 700.00
AAS – Furnace 1,000.00
FT-IR (ATR mode) 1,000.00
FT-IR (KBr Pellet Method) 1,500.00
Fluorescence 1,000.00
UV-VIS 300.00
IC 2,250.00
TGA 3,000.00
Sample analyzed for Industrial research 2 GC-MS 5,500.00
XRD (Spectrum Only) 5,500.00
XRD (Spectrum & Analysis) 12,500.00
AAS -Flame (Air/C2H2 mode) 1,000.00
AAS – Flame (N2O/C2H2 mode) 1,200.00
AAS – Furnace 1,800.00
FT-IR (ATR mode) 1,800.00
FT-IR (KBr Pellet Method) 2,500.00
Fluorescence 1,800.00
UV-VIS 600.00
IC 4,000.00
TGA 5,500.00
BSc2, MSc2. MPhil2, PhD2
Registered at other universities and research institutions (With USJ co-supervisors)
All the instruments 50% OFF from the regular fee


1If the research project is a collaborative research project with an industry, the industry should bear the cost of analysis even for undergraduate research.

2 Additional charges will be applied if sample preparation, collection, handling or storage is required.

A quotation for the sample analysis can be obtained by contacting the LIC or the director.  The payments can be made by a check in favor of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura or to the University Shroff’s counter.

At the moment, IC-FAS do not provide lab spaces for sample preparation and also does not supply any chemicals, glassware, plasticware, solvents and filters required for analysis except metal calibration standards for AAS. It is highly recommended to use high purity research grade chemicals from a reputable brand for sample preparation. In addition, sample collection, preservation, preparation for analysis must be done according to the internationally accepted protocols. Coordinator or any LICs can reject an analysis if the samples have not been prepared according the accepted protocols.

 In addition, we recommend all our users to acknowledge the IC-FAS for the work done in whole, or in part, at Instrument Center of Faculty of Applied Sciences of University of Sri Jayewardenepura with the following statement:

“This research [or, A portion of this research] used resources at Instrument Center operated by Faculty of Applied Sciences of University of Sri Jayewardenepura.”

Please do not forget to email us a copy of your publication for our records.

For the detail analysis of commercial samples, a consultancy fee will be charged. It is recommended to discuss the analysis project with the LIC prior to samples analysis. All the external users must pay the relevant fee to the Shroff’s counter at USJP or check should be drawn in favor of University of Sri Jayewardenepura in advance to the analysis.