
  1. The IQAC shall liaise regularly and closely with the Dean of the Faculty, Director/IQAU and Deputy Director/IQAU.
  2. The IQAC shall assist the administration of student surveys/feedback, stakeholder meeting proceedings and other surveys.
  3. The IQAC co-ordinate and guide all QA related activities within the Faculty and report monthly to the Faculty Board.
  4. The IQAC shall co-ordinate the facilitation of identifying and sharing of good practices between academic departments under the Faculty.
  5. The IQAC shall co-ordinate the conduct of faculty level awareness programmes on QA among staff members, with the support of the IQAU.
  6. The IQAUs shall assist the Dean of the Faculty, Director/IQAU, Deputy Director/ IQAU to coordinate the inclusion of QA aspects in the Faculty Corporate Plan.
  7. The IQAC assist the Director/IQAU in the preparation of QA related guidelines and manuals for use within the Faculty.
  8. The IQAC shall assist the Dean of the Faculty, Director/IQAU and Deputy Director/IQAU to implement QA reviews/audits and follow up action.
  9. The IQAC shall co-ordinate the preparation of Faculty Self- evaluation Report, Programme Review Reports.
  10. The IQAC shall co-ordinate the preparation of the Annual Work Plan
    for the Faculty IQAC and a Strategic Plan for QA activities for the Faculty.
  11. The IQAC shall ensure the necessary academic regulations/By–laws are
    in place, within the Faculty if not make recommendation for remedial action.
  12. The IQAC shall maintain a repository of evidence at faculty level for the Institutional Reviews and Programme Reviews.