Estadistica ‘21 – Annual Statistics Day


The Statistics Society of University of Sri Jayewardenepura embarks on a series of events starting from the 9th of September till 19th of September.


Date & Time

Monday, 6th September to

Friday, 10th September

Poster Series & Poll Series published via society social media platforms
Thursday, 9th September


Announcing the Finalists of Pearl Viz ‘21 Data Visualization Competition
Thursday, 9th September

3:00pm onwards

Journey to build your career as a Biostatistician

By: Ms. Dilki Jayasinghe

Saturday, 11th September

4:00pm onwards

Demystifying Research: An Adventure with Statistics

By: Dr. Priyanga Thalagala

Sunday, 12th September

2:00pm onwards

Pearl Viz ‘21 Finals

(For finalists only)

Sunday, 12th September

6:00pm onwards

Webinar on Higher Studies

By: Ms. Uthmani Ambawattage and Mr. Hashan Peiris

Sunday, 19th September

9:00am onwards

Estadistica ‘21 – Annual Statistics Day


The spotlight is on the Statistics Week which is a  part of Estadistica ’21, the annual statistics day. This year Estadistica ’21 is centered around the theme of Statistics in Research. However, unlike the past years, this year Estadistica ‘21 will not be limited to a single day, but moreover the society has dedicated an entire week to celebrate the accomplishments of researchers of the department through a daily poster series as well as build curiosity on the prominent research in the world through a daily quiz challenge.

The poster series will mainly be showcasing the esteemed alumni of the Department of Statistics who have excelled  in the field of academics and research by sharing their recent publications and the reasons as to why they love doing research. The quiz challenge on the other hand is focused mainly on sparking an interest in the students to read more about research and be open to new ideas that can be explored through statistics in research. Each day a new poll regarding a particular topic will be launched on the society Facebook page where anyone can vote, and at the end of the day, the actual results that were discovered through research would be posted with the source for further references.

Finally as the centerpiece of the Statistics Week there will be two webinars held on the 9th and 11th of September. The first webinar which is happening on the 9th of September at 3.00 P.M. will be conducted by Ms. Dilki Jayasinghe (PhD student at Center for Health Services Research, Faculty of Medicine, University of Queensland) mainly focusing on the first steps to become a biostatistician where she will be talking through the things that helped her career and what a university undergraduate can do to polish their portfolio and build the background necessary to form their career as a biostatistician. The next webinar which is on the 11th of September at 4.00 P.M.  will be a more informative and fun webinar focused around  the myths that are surrounding research told through the personal experiences of Dr. Priyanga Talagala, Senior Lecturer, Department of Computational Mathematics, University of Moratuwa.

In addition to these two webinars the Statistics Society has also decided to hold a special higher studies webinar exclusively for the first year undergraduates on the 12th of September 2021 at  6.00 P.M. This webinar will be conducted by two speakers, Ms. Uthmani Ambawattage (MSc Student and Graduate Teaching Assistant at Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Calgary, Canada) and Mr. Hashan Peiris (MSc student and Graduate Teaching Assistant at Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, Simon Fraser University, Canada) who are both alumni of the Department of Statistics, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. . This webinar will focus on educating and inspiring the students to begin their journey towards higher studies.

Apart from the above, with the end of the Preliminary rounds of Pearl Viz ’21 on 9th of September the top 9 finalists from all the three focus areas will be announced. The finals will be taking place on the 12th of September with the participation of the finalists and the esteemed judge panel and  the winners will be announced on the 19th of september as part of the event line-up of Estadistica ’21.

Estadistica ’21, the annual statistics day organized by the Statistics Society of University of Sri Jayewardenepura will be held on the 19th of September which will be a celebration of research done using statistics both by undergraduates and the alumni of the Department of Statistics.On the day of the event, the alumni of the Department of Statistics will be showcasing their thesis in a fun and interesting manner that will encourage students to pursue research based on statistics and make them aware of the different types of research that happen within the Department of Statistics. Additionally, there will also be presentations by the team members of the outliers project where they will be sharing their research findings and article writing experience. Outliers is a project organized by the Statistics Society that is centered around encouraging students to write articles based on real world data analysed through statistical techniques both taught within the classroom and outside as well. The project has been a huge success with three teams already submitting their documents and currently being under review through  the review process. These articles will be helpful for the students when they are applying for higher studies or even in the industry as it can clearly showcase that they have used their classroom textbook knowledge in real life and have already understood what is needed to actually use the techniques in real life.

All in all, these two weeks are quite eventful for the entire Statistics Society and the Statistics Department of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. We hope to see everyone participating and engaging with the content that will be built and shared among everyone. Research should not always have to be a boring dull menacing task, and there are lots of benefits and things to learn when studying about research.

Presidential Awards for Scientific Publications, 2021


Congratulations! Dr. Chathuri Jayasinghe Receives Presidential Awards for Scientific Publications, 2021

Dr. Chathuri Jayasinghe, a senior lecturer attached to the Department of Statistics received a President’s Award for Scientific Research 2018 organized by the National Research Council (NRC) given to top 100 scientific publications produced from Sri Lanka based on their SCImago Journal Ranking, on 6th of April, 2021. The awarded publication was produced based on a collaborative research project carried out with University of Moratuwa, and The University of Manchester, United Kingdom.

Congratulations! Dr. Chathuri and the team.
Local factors affecting the spatial diffusion of residential photovoltaic adoption in Sri Lanka, N Jayaweera, CL Jayasinghe, SN Weerasinghe
Energy Policy 119, 59-67

MSc in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

The MSc in DS and AI at USJ was designed in partnership with the Erasmus+ DS and AI consortium, a group of 15 European and Asian organizations with the mission of bringing European-standard advanced education to Asia. The aim of the MSc is to provide advanced courses and guidance in developing research skills necessary to develop innovative new data-driven technologies.
For more information, please visit :

dsaiflyer1 dsaiflyer2

Tableau – a Crash Course




Data Visualization is often deemed to be linked with coding skills, intimidating any aspiring Data Analyst who’s just starting out. But is it really the case? (OR were we seriously misinformed on our odds of stepping into a data-driven career?). Tableau is one of the fastest growing Business Intelligence and Data Visualization tools that is easier to learn, faster to execute and gives far more intuitive and explanatory visuals to the onlookers. And predominantly due to this user-friendliness while giving the ability to create classy visuals, many organizations have shifted to using Tableau or PowerBI as their primary Data Analysis software from previously code-dominant software. Hence the dire need to hone our Data Visualization skills via booming software like these is constantly pressed upon by the corporate domain. Contrary to popular belief, mastering a certain skill doesn’t always have to be hard or take years. This is precisely the point that we proved by the Introduction to Tableau session we had on 23rd Friday, July 2021 from 5.00pm onwards.

The session was conducted by Mr.Janith Wanniarachchi, President of the Statistics Society of University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Trainee Data Analyst at Trabeya. He has several years of experience in visualizing and obtaining feedback on his visualizations through the R for Data Science Community. In this session, the main focus was to help the participants get an overall idea of the functionalities available within Tableau through hands-on demonstrations. In the first half of the webinar, the newly released Tableau Viz (Beta) was demonstrated. The Tableau Viz (Beta) allowed Tableau users to create visualizations through their web browser without needing to install the Tableau Public software. The CO2 emissions of different countries were used to demonstrate the basic functionalities of connecting data, creating worksheets and arranging sheets in dashboards to be shared eventually. This demonstration slightly graced the fundamental functionalities as the Tableau Viz feature was still in Beta level of testing.

The next demonstration started by using the dataset on the profitability of Hollywood movies. The dataset contained a small number of rows but the columns were rich in information. However this demonstration carried some twists and spontaneity, the demonstrations were done with the suggestions from the audience and moreover, through them different functionalities of Tableau were also explored such as calculated fields, grouping, dual axis etc. along with the mechanisms of sharing Tableau dashboards.

As we reach the end of the visualization workshop series leading into Pearl Viz ‘21 (the Data Visualization competition organized by the Statistics Society of University of Sri Jayewardenepura), our heartiest gratitude goes to Dr. Rajitha Silva, Senior Treasurer of the Statistics Society of University of Sri Jayewardenepura for motivating and guiding us to focus on having this session, Mr. Janith Wanniarachchi for dedicating his time and energy to sharing the knowledge he acquired with anyone and everyone who were interested, the Pearl Viz Team for organizing this event, along with the Statistics Society Top Board and Committee for being a massive strength behind this webinar. If you are currently an undergraduate of Faculty of Applied Science of University of Sri Jayewardenepura, we would highly recommend that you take part in Pearl Viz, a data visualization competition where you can use data to tell the story that you see using tools that we have taught in these webinars. As parting words, we will leave you this message to remind you that while webinars are a good way to get a head start, self learning can go a long way and sharing what you learn with the community can be immensely helpful.


Slides are available at;


Written by : Maleesha Panangala
Statistics Society of University of Sri Jayewardenepura

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