Documents to be submitted
1.Covering letter signed by the applicant
2.Fully completed application form
3.Research proposal
4.Study instruments (if applicable), – in all three languages – Only English version is required for the undergraduate students
5.Information sheets, and consent forms (if applicable)- in all three languages – Only English version is required for the undergraduate students
6.Recommendation of the supervisor (if applicable)
7.Bank receipt
Submission process
Principal Investigator/Applicant should credit the appropriate processing fee (non-refundable) to the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Faculty of Applied Sciences Development Fund at People’s Bank, Gangodawila, Nugegoda.
- Acc. Name: Research projects and Self Finance Programme, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka
- Acc.Number: 097-100-1700-14075
- Bank: Peoples Bank, Gangodawila Branch
- Bank code: 7135
- Branch Code: 097
- SWIFT CODE: PSBKLKLXThe processing fees are as follows:
- When the principal investigator is an academic of FAS, USJ, and the research is self-funded – Rs.1000/-
- All others where the research is self-funded – Rs 3000/-
- For research funded by funding agencies (i.e. NSF, JICA, UGC, etc) – Rs 5000/-
- Industry-sponsored research – Rs 25,000/-
- Research work originating from outside Sri Lanka – USD 1,000
- The paying slip should be attached to the application at the time of submission.
- All postgraduate student projects must obtain approval from their respective Boards of Study BEFORE submitting an application.
- ERC Office is located on 2ndfloor of the FAS Building.
- Opening hours: Monday to Friday – 9.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m.
- Applications and document submissions should be between 9.00am to 11.00am and 2.00pm to 4.00pm.
- If you need to submit applications and documents outside these hours, please contact the office.
- ERC Office: Seminar Room contatcs
- Dr. Anuradha Ariyaratne +94 772264300 (Secretary)
- Ms. Ruwini Hettiarchchige +9477 (Administrative Assistant)
- E-mail :
- Both a soft copy and a hard copy of the application need to be submitted.
- Hard copy : Handover to the ERC office
- Soft copy: Completed and signed applications along with supporting documents to be scanned and saved as a single PDF and e-mail to
- Submission deadline – The ERC committee meets on the last week of every month and the application submission deadline is the 15thof each month.