Dr. Sashie Abeywickrema

Dr. Sashie Abeywickrema

Post-Doc (UC, SL), PhD (UO, NZ), CIM (UK), DHRM (USJ, SL), B.Sc. Honors (USJ, SL)

Senior Lecturer

Email: sashie.abey@sjp.ac.lk

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=4xC6fn4AAAAJ&hl=en

Research interests:

Multi-sensory Perception; Nutritional Sensory Science; Sensory Links to Appetite, Pathological Eating Behaviour, and Non-Communicable Diseases; Food Psychology


Full papers:

Abeywickrema, S., Ginieis, R., Oey, I., Perry, T., Keast, R. S., & Peng, M. (2023). Taste but not smell sensitivities are linked to dietary macronutrient composition. Appetite, 181, 106385.

Abeywickrema S., & Peng M. (2023). Changing tableware size during a test meal alters downstream food intake. Foods, 48, 10334.

Peng, M., Ginieis, R., Abeywickrema, S., McCormack, J. C., & Prescott, J. (2023). Testing for bi-directional rejection thresholds to sweetness and their links to sugar intake and sweet-taste drink consumption. Food Quality and Preference, 2022-11.

Abeywickrema S., Ginieis R., Oey I., & Peng M. (2022). An empirical evaluation of supra-threshold sensitivity measures for decremental and incremental stimulus intensity: Data from gustatory and olfactory performance. Food Quality and Preference, 97, 104457.

Abeywickrema S., Ginieis R., Oey I., & Peng M. (2022) Olfactory and Gustatory Supra-Threshold Sensitivities Are Linked to Ad Libitum Snack Choice. Foods, 11(6).

Abeywickrema S., Oey I., & Peng M. Sensory specific satiety or appetite? Investigating effects of odour and taste exposures on real-life snack intake. (2022). Food Quality and Preference. 99.105531.

Ginieis R., Abeywickrema S., Oey I., Keast R., & Peng M. (2022). Searching for individual multi-sensory fingerprints – new insights from meta-analyses and empirical data. Food Quality and Preference. 104574.

Ginieis R., Abeywickrema S., & Peng M. (2022). Relationships between peripheral ghrelin levels and olfactory functions. Frontriers in Nutrition. 12(2).  

Ginieis, Abeywickrema, Oey, Franz, Perry, Keast, & Peng. (2021). The role of an individual’s olfactory discriminability in influencing snacking and habitual energy intake. Appetite, 167, 105646.

Mozhdehi F.J., Abeywickrema S., Bremer P. J., & Peng M. (2021). Comparing Taste Detection Thresholds across Individuals Following Vegan, Vegetarian, or Omnivore Diets. Foods, 10(11), 2704.

Ginieis R., Abeywickrema, S., Oey, I., Keast, R. S., & Peng, M. (2020). Meta-analytical data on within-modality correlations of gustatory and olfactory sensitivities. Food Quality and Preference. 104574.

Abeywickrema S., Ginieis R., McCormack J., Oey I., & Peng M. (2020). Association between taste sensitivity and body adiposity: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity. 15275.

Abeywickrema S., Ginieis R., Oey I., & Peng M. (2020). Taste but not olfactory sensitivity is linked with individual dietary macronutrient selection. Appetite. 32011.

Abeywickrema S., Ginieis R., & Peng M. Portion size sensitivity linked to BMI: new insights from complementary sensitivity measures. Psychology and behaviour. 104574.

Rathnayake, A.U., Saravanakumar K., Abuine R., Abeywickrema S., et al., (2020) Fungal Genes Encoding Enzymes Used in Cheese Production and Fermentation Industries, in Fungal Biotechnology and Bioengineering. Springer. p. 305-329.

Abeywickrema S., Gunathunga C. J., Navaratne S. B. (2018). Analysis of the impact of age and gender in sensory perception and perceptual response for caffeinated beverages. International Journal of Research. Volume 5, issue 2. Pg. 2581-2587.

Gunathunga C. J., Abeywickrema S., Navaratne S. B. (2018). Preservation of King Coconut water by heat and UV C treatments, International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, Vol-3, issue-3. Pg. 15-19 

Abeywickrema S., Gunathunga C. J., Navaratne S. B. (2018). Analysis of the impact of age and gender for the differential threshold level and discrimination power on gustation modality. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, Volume 2 Issue 3. Pg. 1590-1595.

Abeywickrema S., Navaratne S. B. (2018). Determination of the impact of social cross profiles on sensory perception and perceptual response of the consumer panels. European Journal of Biotechnology and Bioscience. Volume 6, issue 2. Pg. 48-50 

Abeywickrema S., Navaratne S. B. (2018). Determination of the impact of age and gender for actual and recognition threshold levels on gustation modality. Global Scientific Journal, volume 6, issue 4. Pg. 45-59 

Abeywickrema S., Navaratne S. B. (2018). Analysis of the effectiveness of sanitisers for a Low moisture footwear sanitization unit. International journal of advanced engineering research and science, Vol-5, issue-3. Pg. 132-135 

Book chapters:

Rathnayake, A.U., Saravanakumar K., Abuine R., Abeywickrema S., et al., (2020) Fungal Genes Encoding Enzymes Used in Cheese Production and Fermentation Industries, Fungal Biotechnology and Bioengineering. p. 305-329.


Peng M., Ginieis R., Abeywickrema S., Keast R. Effects of olfactory and gustatory perception on individual food choices and macronutrient intake. 15th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, France, 20-24th August.

Abeywickrema S., Oey I., & Peng M. (2022). Odour and taste cues in food have differential effects on satiety and downstream snack intake. 16th NZOZ Sensory and Consumer Science Symposium, Online event, 15-17th February.

Abeywickrema S., Ginieis R., Oey I., & Peng M. (2021). Assessing bi-directional sensory sensitivities across bodyweight groups. 14th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Online event, 9-12th August.

Abeywickrema S., Ginieis R., Oey I., & Peng M. (2021). Olfactory and gustatory sensitivities linked to BMI: new insights from complementary sensitivity measures. Annual research day, University of Otago, Dunedin, 19 October 2022. Oral presentation.

Ginieis R., Abeywickrema S., Oey I., & Peng M. (2021). Human multi-sensory fingerprints. 14th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Online event, 9-12th August.

Abeywickrema S., Ginieis R., Oey I., & Peng M. (2020). Human bilateral sensitivity difference and obesity. Annual research day, University of Otago, Dunedin, 13 October 2020. 3-Minute Thesis competition.

Abeywickrema S., Ginieis R., Oey I., & Peng M. (2019). Linking sensory discriminatory to food consumption, Nutrient intake and Body adiposity. Annual research day, University of Otago, Dunedin, 14 October 2019. Oral presentation.

Abeywickrema S., Navaratne S.B. (2018), Impact of age and gender for the actual and recognition threshold levels on the gustatory sense modality of the respondents. The 20th Food Innovation Asia Conference, BITEC Bangna, Bangkok, Thailand.

Abeywickrema S., Navaratne S.B. (2018), Impact of age and gender-related changes in sensory thresholds in gustation modality. OPTIMUZ’18, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka.

Abeywickrema S., Navaratne S.B. (2018), Impact of demographic settings on consumer perceptual response of caffeinated beverages across social cross profiles. Jaffna University International Research Conference, Sri Lanka.

Consultation: https://med.cmb.ac.lk/physiology/appetite-laboratory/advisors/