The 10th Consecutive Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium
“A Sustainable Future: Bridging the Gap Between Nature and Technology“
We are thrilled to announce the 10th Consecutive Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, “UNI-IN ALLIANCE 2024“, hosted by the prestigious Society of Industrial Scholars at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. This year, we embark on a journey of exploration, as we delve into the realm of innovative solutions across various disciplines.
Abstract Submission Deadline: May 26th, 2024
Open to All Undergraduate Students Across Sri Lanka
Research Fields :
- Information Technology and Computing
- Food Science and Nutrition
- Engineering, Technological Sciences and Innovation
- Mathematics and Applied Statistics
- Business and Management Studies
- Chemical and Environmental Sciences
- Biological Sciences
- Theoretical and Applied Physics
- Forestry and Agriculture
- Polymers and Material Sciences
- Environmental and Resource Economics
We extend a warm invitation to all undergraduate students from diverse academic backgrounds to contribute their research findings and insights. Your participation plays a pivotal role in fostering intellectual discourse and driving innovation.
Submission Process:
Submit your abstracts via the designated platform, adhering to the prescribed guidelines.
Upload the duly filled Author Declaration Form along with your Abstracts to complete the submission process.
Submission Link : https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/UNIINALLIANCE2024
Author Declaration Form
Abstract Guidelines (PDF)
Step-by-Step Submission Guide (PDF)
Should you have any queries or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Let us come together to explore new frontiers, unravel innovative solutions, and inspire excellence in research.