“A dream you dream alone is only a dream,but a dream you dream together is reality”. As the 5th batch of B.Sc(Hons) degree in applied sciences FAS,USJP we made a dream become a reality. “Unicus 2018” It’s another memorable evening for B.Sc(Hons) students, well spent enjoying their uni life which was held at Blue Mormon Banquet Hall of Samanala Hotel, Pitakotte on 07th April 2018.
Enforcing the bridge between Hons Degree students and the corporates of the country, Career Fair 2017 was held on 9 th June 2017 with the participation of blue chip companies like Unilever, MAS Holdings, Astron, RCS2 etc.
Event was commenced with the presentation of student profile, Structure of the degree program and internship requirements by Prof. Sudantha Liyanage and Dr. Pahan Godakumbura.
For the walking interviews the companies held on that day, a total of 131 interviews participated including both the Hons Degree students and external participants, dispersing the value gained by the event not only the Hons Undergraduates but also the other students.
Recording the highlights of the day, some successful undergrads were offered the appointment letters on the day itself
The session on CV writing and interview facing was conducted by Mrs. Kirthana Sathyamurthy, Leadership Development Manager at Unilever. It was one of the most important sessions for the participants during the workshops as writing a proper and attractive CV is the basic tool used for marketing oneself before being called for an Interview. Most Significant part of the session was that the entire participant got a chance to face for a mock interview and get their CV corrected.
Understanding the interface of excel and its uses was the another session conducted by Mrs. Ayesha Madushani Dadigama, student of BSc. Software Engineering Chamber of Charted Java Professionals International, USA. It was one of the attractive session that improve the knowledge of the uses of formulas and short cut tips for handling excel.
The day concluded by an introductory session on the software “Adobe Photoshop”, led by Mr. Daraka Chiranjaya a very own student of University of Sri Jayewardenepura following the B.Sc. Honors Degree in Applied Sciences. This particular session helped the participants to gain a satisfactory knowledge on Adobe Photoshop, and how to make use of its functions suitably when producing a final outcome