MAS Skills for Work 2024 – A Transformative Session with Ashane Wadasinghe

On November 1st, 2024, we successfully concluded the first session of the “Skills for Work” seminar series for the final-semester students of the B.Sc. (Hons) in Applied Sciences degree program at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. Organized in collaboration with MAS, this workshop provided students with invaluable insights into developing professional skills as they prepare for their internships.

A Transformative Experience

Under the guidance of esteemed facilitator Ashane Wadasinghe, students had the opportunity to delve into key aspects of personal and professional development. The session provided invaluable insights into corporate dynamics, interview strategies, and personality refinement, ensuring students are prepared to meet the demands of competitive professional environments.

The experience was nothing short of transformative, instilling confidence and equipping participants with skills vital for their future success. It is through such initiatives that the University of Sri Jayewardenepura reinforces its mission of producing well-rounded graduates ready to excel in the global arena.

Gratitude and Acknowledgment

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to MAS Holdings and Ashane Wadasinghe for their unwavering dedication to empowering our students. Your efforts have made a remarkable impact, shaping the futures of many aspiring professionals.

As we continue our journey of academic excellence and practical learning, programs like these highlight the importance of bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world application.

Stay tuned for more updates on the initiatives at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura that empower our students and celebrate their growth!

UNI-IN-ALLIANCE 2024 – Guidelines for Preparing the Camera-Ready Copy of the Abstract


Notice to all Authors: We previously requested that you submit your camera-ready abstract files by July 20th. However, we have noticed that more than 15 submissions are still missing these files.
This is the final reminder and opportunity to submit your camera-ready abstract. The extended deadline is now July 25th. Please ensure your final revised camera-ready file is submitted by this date.
Submissions without the final revised camera-ready file will be considered incomplete and will not be considered for presentations.

Guidelines for Preparing the Camera-Ready Copy of the Abstract

    1. All abstracts must be written and submitted in English, using MS Word 2007 or later.
        • Format
            • Paper size: A4 (use the template)
            • Number of Pages: One
            • Margins: Given in the template (left 1.3 inches and right 0.7 inches)
            • Font: Times New Roman
            • Font size: 12 font size (except author names, affiliations & email addresses)
        • Figures, tables, and references should not be included in the abstract.
        • We encourage you to use the camera-ready abstract template given together with this document where everything is formatted according to the guidelines.
        • Please submit the Word document – not a pdf file.
    2. The abstract should contain the following:
        • TITLE
            • Should be brief and reflect the study carried out. If scientific names of organisms are
              included they should be written in capital italics. If common or vernacular names follow the
              scientific name, they should be included in parentheses.
            • The letters should be bold uppercase and center-aligned.
            • Font: Times New Roman, Font size: 12, Line Spacing: 1.15
            • There should be no line space above the title. One line space should be left below the title.
        • NAME/S OF AUTHOR/S
            • Should be in lowercase letters (except initials and the first letter of the name/s) and center-aligned.
            • Font: Times New Roman, Font size: 10, Line spacing: 1.0.
            • Author ‘surname’ should be written first, followed by ‘initials’. Each initial should be followed by a full stop and a space between two initials (Ex: Perera A. B. C.). Refer to the template given.
            • The presenter’s name should be underlined and the corresponding author’s name should be indicated by an asterisk at the end.
            • One line space should be left between the name/s and affiliation/s.
            • Author affiliations should be given according to the author list and should be in Italics (Font: Times New Roman, Font size: 10, Line spacing: 1.0).
            • The corresponding author’s email address should be indicated after the authors’ affiliations.
            • No line space should be left between the affiliations and the email address.
        • TEXT
            • Should include Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions; should be written, within a single paragraph without sub-titles/sub-headings (the first line of the paragraph should not be indented) and justified.
            • Font: Times New Roman, Font size: 12, Line spacing: 1.15.
        • Keywords:
            • A maximum of 5 keywords separated by commas should be included after the sub-title, ‘Keywords:’ placed at the end of the abstract (Font: Times New Roman, Font size: 10, Line Spacing: 1.0, Style: in Italics).
            • One line space should be left between the text and keywords.
        • Acknowledgment:
            • An acknowledgment, only with the name of the funding organization/s and grant number/s, may be added separately after the text, as a single sentence in italics (Font: Times New Roman, Font size: 10, Line Spacing: 1.0, Style: in Italics).
            • A single line space should be left between the keywords and the acknowledgment.

Spelling: British spelling must be used throughout the text.

Abbreviations: Should be cited in full at first occurrence, except for standard abbreviations.

Non-English and Technical Terms: Should be in italics


Data Visualization with R Programming Language

✨ Unlock the Art of Data Visualization with R!✨
Join us for an exciting online workshop on “Data Visualization with R Programming Language”

🗓️ Date: July 13, 2024
⏰ Time: 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM

👩‍🏫 Resource Person:

Dr. Thiyanga S. Talagala (PhD. in Statistics, Monash University, AUS)
Senior Lecturer
Department of Statistics, Faculty of Applied Sciences
University of Sri Jayewardenepura

Undergraduates: Rs. 500
Others: Rs. 1000

Account Details:
Bank: People’s Bank
Branch: Gangodawila
Account No.: 097-1-001-3-0018283
Name: Society of Industrial Scholars

Registration Link :

Don’t miss this chance to visualize your data like never before! 🚀✨