Dr Thiyanga S. Talagala delivers a keynote at “WhyR? 2021 conference”


Dr Thiyanga S. Talagala, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Statistics, Faculty of Applied Sciences is delivering a keynote on Feature-based Time Series Forecasting at [WhyR? 2021 conference](https://2021.whyr.pl/) , the fifth meeting of Central-Eastern-European R enthusiasts. Dr Talagal is a co-founder and a co-organizer of R-Ladies Colombo, a local chapter of R-Ladies Global organizers. In her talk, she will talk about FFORMS (Feature-based FORecast Model Selection) algorithm for large-scale time series forecasting implemented in the R package seer, which is available on CRAN at https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/seer/index.html

A positive outlook for Sri Lankan blood cancer patients!


Dr. Chathuri Jayasinghe of Department of Statistics, USJ recently collaborated with a team from Lanka Hospital Blood Cancer Centre (LHBCC) to conduct multiple studies with the aim of investigating the applicability of treatment protocols from developed countries to treat and care for Sri Lankan blood cancer patients. The studies evaluated the treatment and care outcome for local patients with adult acute Myeloid Leukaemia, Hodgkin Lymphoma, Plasma Cell Myeloma and were shown to be comparable to high-income countries (1, 2, 5, 6). At present locally, there is excessive mortality for blood cancers that are potentially curable in the west (1). Further, there is a scarcity of Sri Lankan data particularly for these cancers and scant research in the literature.

Dr. Jayasinghe contributed to the conception, design, acquisition, analysis of data and publishing of these multiple researches conducted by the team led by Dr. Saman Hewamana of LHBCC. Results of these studies which were mainly derived using survival analysis techniques with expertise of Dr. Jayasinghe suggests that mortality can be reduced and the burden on the health care system can be minimized if diagnosed and treated in an appropriate setting. Apart from treating blood cancers, LHBCC has also trained the first-ever group of haemato-oncology trainees from government hospitals. This holds promise for blood cancer care in Sri Lanka and will give trust and belief to patients and medical staff alike about the achievable targets.

Another recent research study published by the group has shown blood cancer care can be continued safely during the Covid-19 pandemic if proper strategies are implemented and that this would help to prevent late stage presentation and adverse outcomes (3).  In another study, the management  and  mortality  of  neutropenic  episodes  among  Haemato-Oncology  patients were investigated and the manuscript that was written based on its findings is currently under review (4).

Dr. Chathuri Jayasinghe research interests include survival analysis methods and applications, nonparametric and parametric estimation methods, medical statistics and software reliability growth models. Her fundamental research work related to these areas has been published in journals such as IEEE Transactions on Reliability, the Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, the Communications in Statistics (Theory and Methods).


Related references:

  1. Saman Hewamana, Lakmali Kandabadage, Thurairajah Skandarajah, Natasha Pieris, Eranga Perera, Mahesh Harischandra, Ananda Wijewickrama, Chandana Wickramarathna, Gnani Somasundaram, Vadivelu Srinivasan, Surjit Somiah, Priyankara Jayawardena, Mehendra Perera, Dehan Gunasekera, Chathuri Jayasinghe, Godvin Constantine, Sanjeewa Munasinghe, Chandu De Silva, Bandula Wijesiriwardena, Jayantha Balawardena. Applicability of Western protocols in resource-limited setting: Real-world data of long-term outcome of intensive treatment of adult acute myeloid leukaemia in Sri Lanka. eJHaem. 2021; 2: 555– 561. https://doi.org/10.1002/jha2.191
  2. Saman Hewamana, Lakmali Kandabadage, Thurairajah Skandarajah, Natasha Peiris, Sobitha Abeyaratne, Gehan Arseculeratne, Eranga Perera, Mahesh Harischandra, Ananda Wijewickrama, Gnani Somasundaram, Vadivelu Srinivasan, Surjit Somiah, Priyankara Jayawardena, Rohini Wadanamby, Geethani Galagoda, Chathuri Jayasinghe, Chandu De Silva, Sanjeewa Munasinghe, Bandula Wijesiriwardena, Jayantha Balawardena. Applicability of protocols from high-income countries in a resource limited setting; real world data of histopathology, clinical features and long-term outcome of Hodgkin Lymphoma in Sri Lanka, The Lancet EClinicalMedicine, Volume 38, 2021, 100998, ISSN 2589-5370, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eclinm.2021.100998.
  3. Saman Hewamana, Thurairajah Skandarajah, Chathuri Jayasinghe, Samadhi Deshapriya, Dhananjani Senarathna, Dilip Gayashan, Natasha Peiris, Eranga Perera, Mahesh Harischandra, Surjit Somiah, Nihal Munasinghe, Sangeetha Hewawasam, Gehan Arseculeratne, Rohini Wadanamby, Geethani Galagoda, Jayantha Balawardena. Blood cancer care in a resource limited setting during the Covid-19 outbreak; a single center experience from Sri Lanka. PLOS ONE, 16(9), e0256941 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0256941
  4. Saman Hewamana, Thurairajah Skandarajah, Chathuri Jayasinghe, Samadhi Deshapriya, Dhananjani Senarathna, Gehan Arseculeratne, Mahesh Harischandra, Gnani Somasundaram, Vadivelu Srinivasan, Surjit Somiah, Nihal Munasinghe, Sangeetha Hewawasam, Lalith Ekanayake, Rohini Wadanamby, Geethani Galagoda, Thet Thet Lin, Jayantha Balawardena. Adapting Supportive Care Guidelines from High-income Countries; Real World Data on Approach to Neutropenic Sepsis in Haemato-Oncology Patients in Sri Lanka, 15 July 2021, PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square [https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-626896/v1]
  5. Saman Hewamana, Prasanna Gunasena, Chathuri Jayasinghe, Mahesh Harischandra, Thurairajah Skandarajah, Sobitha Abeyaratne, Lalith Ekanayake, Gnani Somasundaram, Surjit Somiah, Vadivelu Srinivasan, Gehan Arseculeratne, Neomal Perera, Jayaindra Fernando, Nihal Munasinghe, Ashfaq Mowlana, Samadhi Deshapriya, Supun Mawathakubura, Chandana Wickramarathna, Ananda Wijewickrama, Priyankara Jayawardena, Eranga Perera, Natasha Peiris, Sarath Paranawithana, Chithranga Perera, Sanjeewa Munasinghe, Chandu De Silva, Rohini Wadanamby, Geethani Galagoda, Thet Thet Lin, Bandula Wijesiriwardena, Jayantha Balawardena; Survival estimates of patients with plasma cell myeloma after first line therapy in a resource limited setting using protocols from high-income countries. October 2021, Submitted.
  6. Saman Hewamana, Prasanna Gunasena, Chathuri Jayasinghe, Mahesh Harischandra, Thurairajah Skandarajah, Sobitha Abeyaratne, Lalith Ekanayake, Gnani Somasundaram, Surjit Somiah, Vadivelu Srinivasan, Gehan Arseculeratne, Neomal Perera, Jayaindra Fernando, Mazhar Faiz, Nihal Munasinghe, Ashfaq Mowlana, Samadhi Deshapriya, Supun Mawathakubura, Chandana Wickramarathna, Ananda Wijewickrama, Priyankara Jayawardena, Eranga Perera, Natasha Peiris, Sarath Paranawithane, Chitranganie Perera, Chitranga Kariyawasam, Sanjeewa Munasinghe, Chandu De Silva, Rohini Wadanamby, Geethani Galagoda, Thet Thet Lin, Bandula Wijesiriwardena, Jayantha Balawardena; Feasibility of transplantation for plasma cell disorders in resource constrained setting; real-world data on safety, survival and cost of treatment from the first blood cancer centre in Sri Lanka.  In preparation.


Higher Education webinar; Learn the first steps to higher studies as a first year undergraduate



What is your future plan? What do you want to do after you graduate? Do you want to continue your higher studies but you don’t have an idea about the path that you need to take to get there? Higher education not only gives you exposure in the field of your choice, but it also teaches you how to comprehend complicated subject matter, think analytically and effectively communicate your ideas. You will also get to learn important skills like organization, self-discipline, and openness towards diversity. This is why as per the idea of Dr. Rajitha Silva, the Senior Treasurer of the Statistics Society of University of Sri Jayewardenepura, a webinar was organised under the theme “Higher Studies; Learn the first steps to higher studies as a first year undergraduate”. This was especially crafted for the first year undergraduates of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura to motivate them and give them a clear vision on their higher studies journey.

The higher studies webinar was successfully held on the 12th September 2021, 06.00 PM onwards via Zoom with over 150 participants who joined with the purpose of getting a clear understanding about higher studies after their graduation. The speakers of the webinar were Ms. Uthmani Ambawattage (MSc student and Graduate Teaching Assistant at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Calgary, Canada) and Mr.Hashan Peiris (MSc student and Graduate Teaching Assistant at the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science at Simon Fraser University, Canada) who took an unorthodox strategy in making the session interactive and interesting. Ms.Uthmani started the session by sharing her experiences at the University of Calgary and how university undergraduates should plan their strategy in getting ready for their higher studies. Afterwards Mr. Hashan shared his experiences about balancing academics with his professional obligations and extracurricular activities. Finally, participants got a chance to forward their questions to the speakers in the Q and A session and participants got clear answers for their questions.

We thank Ms.Uthmani Ambawattage and Mr. Hashan Peiris from the bottom of our hearts for accepting our invitation and dedicating their time and energy to inspire our fellow undergraduates. Our gratitude also extends to Dr. Rajitha Silva for initiating this event and always being our pillar of strength, encouraging us to organize timely events for our own fellow undergraduates. We are grateful for the immense guidance given by Mr. Janith Wanniarachchi, the President of the Statistics Society for guiding us throughout the organizing and execution stages of the session , Ms. Ishani Upatharitha for dedicating her time towards effective communication about the session, Sachini Silva, Bihari Welikala, Ravindu Jayaweera for moderating the session, and finally to all  the members of the Statistics Society executive board and the Estadistica organizing committee for their immense support and encouragement.

Finally, we thank all enthusiastic undergraduates who participated in this event for your engagement is what propels us to greatness!


Written by :  Ms. Sachini Silva, Mr. Ravindu Jayaweera, Ms. Bihari Welikala

Estadistica Organizing Committee

Statistics Society of University of Sri Jayewardenepura

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