Timber Process Innovation Center

Timber Process Innovation Center (TPIC) will enhance the introduction of Sri Lankan timber and timber based products to high-end global export market and upon successful implementation, in future, this will performance as fully fledged self-sustainable center, which is to be established within the Center for Sustainability of the Department of Forestry and Environmental Science to support the timber sector. The department possesses advanced technology for analyzing timber, catering to both industrial applications and research purposes.

Key activities that are to be conducted by TPIC include Process Innovation of timber and timber based products, Waste utilization of timber and timber based products, value chain enhancement of timber and timber based products and involve in Cleaner Production process of timber and timber based products. Students in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Science have a significant opportunity to engage in research within this field.

Instrumental Facility of the Center

 Universal testing machine
 Bomb calorimeter
 Wood grinder
 Microtome machine
 Circular saw machine
 Vacuum pump
 Grain scribe
 Wood moisture meter
 Swelling jig
 Vernier caliper
 Wet bulb and dry bulb thermometer
 Whirling hydrometer
 Wet bulb- dry bulb chart recorder


Prof. Hiran Amarasekara
Research Laboratory, Wood Science, Timber Technology,
Department of Forestry and Environmental Science

Dr. Thilak Chandrathilaka
Director, Center for Sustainability
Department of Forestry and Environmental Science