Endemic Animals

Artical no-17
A.A.E.B. Nirmani

There’s beauty in diversity. Biodiversity is the most beautiful of them all. Sri Lanka is one of the 36 biodiversity hotspots in the world. Sri Lanka might be a tiny island but it’s home to a large number of endemic species, irreplaceable if lost. They can’t be found naturally in any other geographical location.
Sri Lanka is blessed with the highest rates of endemism among amphibians, freshwater fish and reptiles. Endemic species of birds and mammals also can be found. 43% of vertebrates are endemic. Sri Lanka also has an interesting collection of endemic species of invertebrates, including arachnids, gastropods, crustaceans and insects.
Unfortunately Sri Lanka hasn’t been very grateful about this gift of nature. These species suffer because of pollution, urbanization, encroach of habitats, unsustainable tourism, poaching and other anthropogenic activity. Most of the time when a development project is stamped with approval, atleast a few endemic species get endangered. On top of that, they suffer the impact of drastic climate changes, droughts, floods and sea erosion as well.
If we are to protect endemic species, awareness has to be raised among people. Laws should be implemented and enforced adequately. Sustainable development and tourism should be encouraged. If we didn’t act before it’s too late, the world will loose a little bit of its magic.

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