Article number-06 N.P.A.S. JanashanthaSri Lanka is famed for its diverse natural habitats and wildlife. Endemic species are those that are found in just one region and nowhere else in the world. There are lot...
Article no-02 Modith D. Wickramasinghe The Ceylonese Cylinder Snake, known scientifically as Cylindrophis maculatus or in Sinhalese as ‘Depath Naya’. It owns a special place in Sri Lankan herpetology as not only been an...
Article no-01 J. A. Ganguli Vimansa Sewmi Chestnut-backed owlet Have you heard about the bird called Pitathabala Vana — Bassa in Sinhala speaking? Here is an attractive bird that scientifically named as Glaucidium castanotum...
Article no-19 K.S.Maleesha Though the mechanism behind the evolution of life on earth not yet fully discovered by the scientists, zoology has studied animals in numerous ways such as morphological similarities, distribution, molecular biological...
Artical no-17 A.A.E.B. Nirmani There’s beauty in diversity. Biodiversity is the most beautiful of them all. Sri Lanka is one of the 36 biodiversity hotspots in the world. Sri Lanka might be a tiny...
Article no-16 D.R.H. Sirimanna The pearl of the Indian Ocean – Sri Lanka is known for its natural beauty. The air, water, soil and climate itself enhances the bio diversity of this island. Ranging...
Article no-15 Ranthilini C Banduwardena An endemic species is confined to a particular country or area and not found growing naturally anywhere else in the world. Endemic animals in Sri Lanka include birds,mammals,butterflies,reptiles,amphibians etc.Sri...