Graph Theory

Course: MAT 353 3.0 Graph Theory (Compulsory)

Course content: Graphs: Basic Definitions in Graph Theory, Traveling Through a Graph, Connectedness, Euler Tours
, Hamiltonian Cycles, Graph Representation, Adjacency Matrices, Adjacency Lists, Planarity of Graphs, Euler’s Formula
, Kuratowski’s Theorem, Coloring of Graphs, Vertex Coloring, Edge Coloring, Face Coloring and Chromatic Number, Color Theorems; Trees: Basic Definitions for Trees, Rooted Trees
, Ordered Trees, Binary Trees and m-ary Trees, Spanning Trees, Depth First Search, Breadth First Search, Minimum Spanning Trees, Prim’s Algorithm, Kruskal’s Algorithm, Paths and Flows: Shortest Paths and Longest Paths, Dijkstra’s Algorithm
, Single-source(sink) Shortest Paths, Multiple-source(Sink) Shortest Paths, Flows, The Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm, The Maxflow-Mincut Theorem, Matching: Matching and Covers, Maximum Matching
, Hall’s Matching Condition, Min-Max Theorem
, Independent Sets and Covers, Dominating Sets, Algorithms and Applications, Maximum Bipartite Matching, Weighted Bipartite Matching, Stable Matching

Recommended Readings:

Graph Theory and Its Applications by Jonathan L. Gross and Jay Yellon