MAT 353 3.0 Graph Theory

Course:  MAT 353 3.0 Graph Theory (Compulsory)

Course Content:

Introduction to Graphs;Basic Definitions in Graph Theory, Traveling Through a Graph, Graph Representation, Planarity of Graphs, Coloring of Graphs. Trees; Basic Definitions for Trees, Spanning Trees, Minimum Spanning Trees. Paths and Flows: Shortest Paths and Longest Paths, Flows. Matching: Matching and Covers, Algorithms and Applications.

Recommend Readings:

    1. Gross, J. L., & Yellon, J. (2006). Graph theory and its applications, (2nd ed.).
    2. Grossman, J. W. (1990). Discrete mathematics: An introduction to concepts, methods, and applications. New York: Macmillan Publishing.