Course: AMT 355 2.0 Seminar and Report Writing (Compulsory)
Course content:
Basic concepts pertaining to academic writing: attributes and the STF Model; paragraph writing; pointers to effective writing; use of language; referencing; technical reports and research reports; writing a literature review; formatting requirements, Tables and Figures; aspects of plagiarism, and academic writing as a journey.
Recommended Readings:
- An abridged guide to the Harvard Referencing Style, T13 2020, Academic Learning Centre, CQ University Australia, .
- American Psychological Style, 7th edn,
- Fonseka, M 2021, Academic writing for management studies- An instructional guide, KBM Fonseka, Panadura. (The Course Guide).
- Nanayakkara, G 2008, A handbook for academic and professional writing in management, Postgraduate Institute of Management, Colombo.