MAT 121 2.0 Linear Algebra I

Course:  MAT 121 2.0 Linear Algebra I (Compulsory)

Course Content:

System of Linear Equations and Matrices;System of  equations in  unknowns, Matrices and Linear Systems of Equations, Gaussian Elimination and Gauss-Jordan Elimination, Homogeneous Systems of Equations, Elementary Matrices and Matrix Inverses, Determinants and Inverses, Determinants and Elementary row operations, Cramer’s Rule, Vector Spaces; The vector spaces  and , The vector space  and subspaces, Linear Combinations and Spanning sets, Linear Independence, Basis and Dimension, Row Space and Column Space, Rank of a Matrix, Linear Transformations

Recommend Readings: 

    1. Elementary Linear Algebra –Applications Version by H. Anton and C. Rorres, Wiley, 10th edition, 2010.
    2. “Elementary Linear Algebra” by Stanley I. Grossman, Saunders College Publishing.
    3. “Linear Algebra” by J. B. Fraleigh and R.A. Beauregard, Addison Wesley, 3rd edition, 1995.