MAT 358 2.0 An Introduction to Answer Set Prolog

Course:  MAT 358 2.0 An Introduction to Answer Set Prolog (Optional)

Course Content:

Syntax & Semantics of Answer Set Prolog; Modeling Common Sense Reasoning; Answer Set Programming; ASP Reasoning Methods; Modeling Dynamic Domains; Planning and Diagnostics; ASP Solvers Clingo and Dlv; Introduction to SPARC.

Recommend Readings:

    1. Gelfond M., Kahl Y. – Knowledge Representation, Reasoning, and the Design of Intelligent Agents- The Answer-Set Programming Approach
    2. M. Balduccini and M. Gelfond: Diagnostic Reasoning with A-Prolog – Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 3(4-5):425-461, Jul. 2003
    3. M. Gelfond and N. Leone: Logic Programming and Knowledge Representation – A-Prolog Perspective – Artificial Intelligence, 2002
    4. M. Gelfond: Representing Knowledge in A-Prolog – Volume 2408 of Computational Logic: Logic Programming and Beyond, Essays in Honour of Robert A. Kowalski, Part II, pages 413-451, 2002
    5. M. Gelfond, M. Balduccini, J. Galloway: Diagnosing Physical Systems in A-Prolog – Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, pages 213-225, Sep. 2001