Senior Lecturer (Gr.I)
B.Sc. (USJP), M. Phil (USJP)
Research Interests: Mathematical Modeling
Email :
Tel : +94112758390
- Rodrigo DS, Amarawickrama IU. January 2022. “Mathematical Modeling of Kandyan Dancing”, International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies (IJPSAT), Issue 2, Volume 30, pp 343-354
- Amithani RPG., Rodrigo DS ,Jayasinghe CL. June 2021. “Local Factors Affecting Fertility of Women in Sri Lanka”,International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS), Issue 6, Volume 5, pp 121-129
- Dias KMGIU, Munasinghe A, Ravindra S, Rodrigo DS, Senanayake B,June 2020. “Spectral analysis of pathological gait characteristics of patients suffering from Parkinson disease and Strokes”, World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, Issue 3, Volume 6, pp 189-196
- Rodrigo DS, Dias KMGIU, Perera BBR, Lanel GHJ, Tharaka JAD, Samarakoon MASC, August 2019.” Analysing the Time of Bed Availability in Intensive Care Unit of Accident and Orthopaedic Department Using Survival Analysis”, Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, Issue 8,Volume 7,pp 52-57
- Rodrigo DS, Sewwandi HMN, September 2018. “Comparison of Deflection Patterns of Simply Supported and Fixed Supported Beam Structures”, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS),Issue 9,Vol 5,pp 240-243.
- Rodrigo DS, Perera DCN, July,-August 2018. “Investigating the Drum Membrane Shape using The Amplitude Spectra they Produce When Subjected To Symmetrical Disturbances”, IOSR Journal of Mathematics(IOSR-JM),Issue 4 version II,Vol 14,pp
05-09. - Rodrigo DS ,Gunawardhana IEM , 2017. “Exploring the Possibility of Detecting Tsunami Waves using Partial Data”, International Journal of Innovative trends in Engineering (IJITE), Issue 40,Vol. 25 ,No 1, pp 4-7.
- Rodrigo DS, Tantrigoda DA, 2014 .“Numerical implementation of Fourier transforms and associated problems”, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, Vol. 1,No 1,pp 1-10