Number Theory

Course:  MAT 352 2.0 Number Theory (Compulsory)

Course Content: 

Sets of numbers  and irrational numbers, Well ordering principle and Principle of mathematical induction; Divisibility properties, Division algorithm, Euclidean algorithm,  Primes and their distribution, Theory of congruences, Chinese Remainder Theorem,  Application of congruence’s, Fermat’s little theorem; Wilson’s theorem; Arithmetic functions, Euler’s theorem, Fibonacci and Lucas sequences, finite Continued Fractions, Infinite continued fractions, Some Diophantine equations (nonlinear).

 Recommend Readings:

  1. David M. Burton, Elementary number theory, Tata McGraw-Hill Edition, 2006
  2. Ramanujachary Kumanduri-Cristino Romero, Number Theory with computer applications, Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1998
  3. H.Hardy, E.M.Wright, An introduction to the theory of numbers, The Clarendon Press Oxford University Press , 1979