- On Novel Approach for Computing Distance based Indices of Anti-tuberculosis Drugs DC Gunawardhana, GHJ Lanel, K Perera, A Gunaratna arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.02416
- Factorizations of Graphs and Its Applications Mr. P. H. K. Silva, Dr. R. Sanjeewa, Prof. G. H. J. Lanel International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications 14 (8), 200-207
- A Novel Method to Tournament Scheduling Hewawasam HPPM, Lanel GHJ International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications 14 (8), 95-103
- On Rehan-Lanel Indices of Graphs DC Gunawardhana, GHJ Lanel arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.08248
- Application of Dijkstra’s algorithm to find the shortest paths between selected travel destinations in Colombo GHJ Lanel, KHH Priyanvada Faculty of Science, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka.
- Creating A Sri Lankan Meal Plan for A Diabetic Patient Using Graph Theory R Rajapaksha, GHJ Lanel THE 01ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED COMPUTING TECHNOLOGIES, 138
- Presenting the Sierpinski Gasket in Various Categories of Metric Spaces J Ratnayake, A Manokaran, R Jayewardene, V Noquez, LS Moss Applied Categorical Structures 32 (4), 21
- Determining bad actors: A linear mixed effects model approach to elucidate behavioral toxicity of metal mixtures in drinking water KRK Dilrukshi, IR Merutka, M Chernick, S Rohrbach, R Babich, … Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 287, 117296
- An Intelligent Approach to Identify Household Canine Dermatology NY Kudahetty, RNP De Silva, TD Piyadasa .
- Chaos of COVID-19 Superspreading Events: An Analysis Via a Data-driven Approach NC Ganegoda, SSN Perera Journal of Health Management 25 (3), 514-525
- Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Disease Transmission: Learning from COVID‐19 Data NC Ganegoda, D Aldila, KP Wijaya One Health: Human, Animal, and Environment Triad, 169-184
- On the primal feasibility in dual decomposition methods under additive and bounded errors H Abeynanda, C Weeraddana, GHJ Lanel, C Fischione IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 71, 655-669
- Reviewing the Efficacy of Federal Reserve Bank Reserve Policies through a Time Series Analysis of the Effective Federal Funds Rate TAH Dilpriya, GHJ Lanel, MTM Perera INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND INNOVATION IN SOCIAL SCIENCE (IJRISS).
- A tuberculosis epidemic model as a proxy for the assessment of the novel M72/AS01E vaccine D Aldila, JP Chávez, KP Wijaya, NC Ganegoda, GM Simorangkir, …Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 120, 107162
- Identifying Long–Term Optimal Vaccination Strategies for Mitigating a Pandemic: a Computational Modeling approach using COVID-19 data in Sri Lanka K Erandi, AC Mahasinghe, NC Ganegoda, SSN Perera, S Jayasinghe Communications in Combinatorics, Cryptography & Computer Science 2023 (1), 20-28
- H. Abeynanda, C. Weeraddana, G. H. J. Lanel and C. Fischione, ”On the Primal Feasibility in Dual Decomposition Methods Under Additive and Bounded Errors,” in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 71, pp. 655-669, 2023, doi: 10.1109/TSP.2023.3249043.
- Explicit identities of matrix powers of matrix KKWAS Kumara World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences 9 (1), 42-44 (2023)
- C.P. Waduge, N.C. Ganegoda, D.C. Wickramarachchi, R.S. Lokupitiya, G.H.J. Lanel, A group of representative measures of a set of time series and its decision support: a trial for dengue incidence data of Sri Lanka, International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences, Volume 14, No 3, pp. 260-288
- Perera, B., Paragoda, T., Dharmasena, D., (2022) A Survey of Delaunay surfaces with applications in Capillary surfaces, Journal of Geometry and Symmetry in Physics, 64,51- 65.
- Improved Mesh Reconstruction With an Edge Quality Enhancement Using Multiple Inward Depth Streams SB Adikari, N Ganegoda, R Meegama, IL Wanniarachchi IEEE Access 10, 98391-98402
- An evolutionary model propounding Anopheles double resistance against insecticides D Suandi, KP Wijaya, M Amadi, NC Ganegoda, R Kusdiantara, KA Sidarto, …Applied Mathematical Modelling 106, 463-481
- G. H. J. Lanel, T. M. K. K. Jinasena and B. A. K. Welihinda, ”Semidirect Products of Finite Groups in Public-Key Cryptographic Protocols”, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 38 No. 5 pp. 1035-1050.
- A Tale of Two Continents: Factors Influencing Students to Major in Mathematics TMK Wijetunge, K Premadasa, GW Liyanage, B Collins, A Appuhamy, …Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice 22 (14)
- A Strategy to Strengthen and Enhance the Telecommunication Network in Sri Lanka by Using Concepts of Graph Theory and Linear Programming Models TAH Dilpriya, GHJ Lanel, B Vidanage International Journal of Natural Sciences Research 10 (1), 1-20
- Optimization of Afforestation of Mangrove Species in Selected Districts in Sri Lanka MA Munasinghe, T Perera Journal of Statistics and Mathematical Engineering (e-ISSN: 2581-7647) 8 (2022)