B.Sc. Honors degree in Mathematics is designed to provide a strong foundation on advanced topics in Mathematics emphasizing on the power and the beauty of abstract and rigorous reasoning that Mathematics promotes. On the one hand the honors degree program focuses on developing student’s appreciation for mathematics and creating individuals who are self-motivated and are well prepared to pursue higher education in mathematics and related fields. At the same time the program offers a range of practically applicable mathematics courses, ensuring that students who are interested in acquiring the mathematical expertise required to excel as professionals in industrial or financial sectors are equally well catered.
The core course units offered in the honors degree program provide the mathematical knowledge and skills that will be highly valuable for any student who wishes to pursue a career that is extensively mathematics oriented. To allow students the freedom to select courses that suit their subject interests and career ambitions, special degree students are also offered several optional course units in both the third and the fourth years. The department has also integrated practical components and student presentations as methods of assessment to several honors’ degree courses, and has provided the honors degree students with generous access to a well-equipped computer laboratory. To give the honors degree students an exposure to the world of mathematics outside the academia, department offers an industrial training unit for a fixed duration in the third year. The fourth-year individual project that every honors degree student is required to conduct under the supervision of a lecturer in the department provides students a research experience or an opportunity to do an intensive independent study on a topic of their interest.
Selected for the B.Sc. Honors degree in Mathematics are done at the end of the second year, based on the students’ performance in Mathematics courses, provided that the candidates have maintained an acceptable level of performance on the other two subjects pursued in their first two years.