Invites applications from undergraduate students from Sri Lankan universities (Government/Private), who carried out research on Life and/ or Earth Sciences conducted in 2017

Please send you applications to SLAAS head office including following (3 awards will be given)

• Abstract & the extended abstract of the research project

• Any abstracts published in local or/and international symposia

• Any full papers published in local or / and international journals

Deadline for Submission : 30th September 2018

Any false information, misinterpretation, and failure to provide all or part of evidence shall be considered as a cause for disqualification of your application

Fill the attached form and Submit either electronically :

Evidence should be attached


To SLAAS office
120\10, Vidya Mawatha,
Tel. 0112688740
Please indicate in the applications – “SLAASsection D award”

Downloads:  Application Form
