Applied Physics (APH)

B.Sc. (General) Degree Program with Applied Physics 
Course Code: APH
Duration: 3Years

For whom ?

Applied Physics is available as a subject for students of the physical science stream who are interested in practical applications in physics. It is expected that Applied Physics combined with other subjects provide an innovative combination of fundamental sciences and their applications in order to graduates with an essential knowledge, specific expertise and skills related to national needs.

Career Opportunities

The majority of students who are completing the B.Sc. General degree tend to seek job opportunities in industry than in academia Therefore, a general degree program which is focused on producing graduates with more practical knowledge will certainly be of high demand.The Applied Physics program seeks to ensure that our graduates recognize and take the advantage of scientific and technological opportunities in research and industry belonging to both state and corporate sectors.

Course overview

The Applied Physics course can best be described as an attempt to develop the human resource required for the local industry. The designed curriculum of the Applied Physics program is structured to provide the prospective students cutting – edge knowledge in different disciplines such as mechatronics, nano-science, instrumentation, workshop technology, material technology, applied geophysics, applied electricity and computational modeling which will highlight frontier fields in Applied Physics locally and globally.

Course Structure

The Applied Physics is designed as a Subject of three years degree course which will focus on laboratory and workshop training sessions while covering fundamental aspects in Physics and Engineering. The students are required to take course units in Applied Physics with a minimum cumulative credit value of 27.0 during the three years. The course units comprise of ‘compulsory’, ‘core’, ‘optional’ subjects so that the students are provided with the applied knowledge of the physics stream while allowing some level of flexibility to pursue optional interest.

Course Units 

click here to view course units

For further information please contact:

Dr. W.K L L.Wannlarachchl
Course coordinator,
Department of Physics,
University of Sri jayewardenepura,