For whom
This program is for students those who have entered the Faculty of Applied Sciences of University of Sri Jayewardenepura through either physical, biological or polymer science stream and completed their general degree with a minimum GPA of 2.5 at the end of their third year B.Sc programme. It is a professional degree program, which is multidisciplinary in nature and offered by eight departments (Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Zoology, Botany. Forestry & Management Science, Computer and Statistics) of the faculty as a cumulative effort mainly for catering to the industrial sector in Sri Lanka. The focus of this program is to produce highly competent, quality. employable graduates who will meet the demands of the industrial sector in the relevant fields with suitable, practical knowledge who could provide immense contribution to the development of the national economy. The intake is limited to maximum of 65 students.
Career opportunities
There is a growing demand for graduates with professional qualifications to meet the current and future needs of the industrial sector in Sri Lanka. As such, establishing this degree as a four year program with an industrial research component not only uncovers the vast amounts of job opportunities available but also allows our students to pursue higher studies in international universities by fulfilling the requirements of a four year degree. As science graduates are not restricted to a single field, this will open up a multitude of job opportunities in academia as well as in the industry. As a result, the proposed degree program will definitely be highly recognized worldwide.
Course overview
The Extended Degree Program in B.Sc. in Applied Sciences is a full time four year degree programme conducted in English medium which extends through the general degree program from either Physical, Biological or Polymer Science stream. The programme is assessed at SLQF 6/ NVQL 7 level in the Sri Lankan Qualification Framework (SLQF) of Ministry of Higher Education.
Each student should take course units having a minimum cumulative credit value of 30 in the fourth year after completion of 90 credits from their B.Sc General Degree Programme. There will be two semesters of fifteen weeks and students should register for 16credits in the first semester including 8core credits (c) offered by the Faculty of Applied Sciences and 8 optional credits (o) offered by each department based on the selection criteria obtained from the PMC. In the second semester, students should register for a total of 14 credits (a and c), where students will engage in industrial training and a research project (10 compulsory credits) for 4 days of the week and have to attend the university a single day by taking 4 core credits as assigned by the PMC.
Selection criteria
At the end of the third year, students who have obtained the degree program are required to state their preferences with respect to the field of study if they desire to continue on. Additionally, applicants should have done the compulsory English course unit examinations conducted by the faculty during the first three semesters and earned at least an average C grade for compulsory English in order to apply for the B.Sc. in Applied Sciences degree program. The students will be selected for the relevant fields solely by their GPA and they will be assigned an industrial training project considering the availability of resources in the respective field as decided by the program management committee (PMC).
Instruction and assessment
Students’ performance at each course unit is assessed and graded by one or more theory based examinations, continuous assessments, assignments, reports, case studies, oral examination, etc as specified by the lecturer-in charge in the respective course unit. Students will be informed on the method of assessment at the beginning of the semester by the course lecturer. When there are multiple examination for a course unit, marks obtained by the student for each examination is combined in order to obtain a final grade.
Dr. Pahan Godakumbura Program Coordinator
Email: pahanig(at)