On the 24th of August 2023, a new chapter unfolded within the Faculty of Applied Sciences at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. The English Literary Association (ELA) was initiated with the vision of nurturing a love for the English Language amongst science undergraduates by going beyond beakers and textbooks; equations and numbers, creating a vibrant space where creativity and scientific pursuits intersect.

The impactful events and activities hosted by ELA within this short period provide testimonials for the dedication and passion of these like-minded young wordsmiths. The Inter-Department Debating Competition stands out as the inaugural event of the newly established association. It allowed the undergraduates to delve into diverse scientific topics while honing their critical thinking and communication skills. The event not only enhanced their knowledge but also fostered camaraderie between departments.

“Word Waves” is another initiative by ELA which provides a unique stage for creative minds. This ongoing article series provides a platform for undergraduates to unleash their creative talents by crafting poems, articles and short stories. These works are showcased on the social media platforms of the association, receiving well-deserved recognition from a vibrant online community.

Looking ahead, the ELA has planned to hold some exciting and insightful events to equip the undergraduates with the knowledge essential for success in both academic and professional journeys. The English Literary Association is not just another club but a place where future scientists are empowered to become well-rounded individuals with brilliant minds.