Economics (ECO)

Economics – B.Sc. (General)Degree Program

Duration : 3 Years

For whom?

The Economics programme is designed for mathematically competent students who follow the subject areas of statistics and mathematics and wish to experience a broader fundamental exposure in Economics or who want to become professional economists.

Course overview

Economics course units offered will provide an important opportunity for the students to gain a solid understanding in principles of economics along with applied areas related to natural resources, environment and industries.
This course of study provides a stimulating setting for the students to gain a solid understanding of economic applications useful in providing guidance for decision making under resource scarcity.

Course structure

Economics course units focus on the study of basic and advanced courses of theoretical economics such as Micro and Macro Economics and applied areas including Environmental economics, Industrial Economics,Project planning and analysis , Agricultural and Health Economics, and Resource Economics. From a total of30 credits, minimum of27 credits must be completed at the end of 3nl year to complete the degree. These include compulsory and optional course units.

The Department of Economics of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences provides the expertise and support in conducting the basic and advanced courses of economics lecture series. Major part of the applied courses will be conducted by the lecturers from the Department of Forestry and Environmental Science and the Department of Food Science and Technology.

Mode of instruction on Assessment

The teaching method of Economics is a blend of theory and practice.To ensure that students are acquiring the required knowledge and competencies, end of semester examination, presentations and written reports will be held. Guest lectures and field visits are also given due importance throughout the semester.

Course Units 

click here to view course units

For further information please contact:

Dr. U. A. D. Prasanthi Gunawardena
Course Coordinator
E-mail : prasanth(at)