Polymer Science and Technology – M.Sc. Degree Program

Why Study Polymer Science?

Today polymers have become indispensable to mankind. Rubber and plastic have become integral parts of our daily lives. There applications are everywhere, from a simple bouncing ball to rocket science, beautiful jewelries to artificial hearts. We use polymers from morning till night, eg: bed, slippers, toothbrush, cups, plates, mobile phones, cloths, car tyres, computer to television. In general80o/o materials used daily by a regular human being is made out of polymers. Simply we are living in a world of polymers, so why not study them!

History of the M.Sc. program in Polymer Science and Technology at USJP

Polymer industry has become a major contributor towards our national economy since the early 1930’s. By recognizing the national need of quality education in this field of science, a Masters Degree program in Polymer Science and Technology (PST) was introduced in 1974 by the Department of Chemistry with the aid of University of Aston, United Kingdom.

Course description

Our endeavor is to develop enlightened members of the polymer society. We pursue excellence in graduate education. Therefore the program is designed to embrace topics from introductory

level to high end applications of polymer science and technology. This 24 month M.Sc. program has been aimed for training much needed polymer scientists, polymer technologists, quality control officers, and plant managers for booming Sri Lankan rubber and plastics industry. Thus the course is suitable for the professional community who are engaged in PST and for graduates seeking entry to such organizations.


The program encompasses a broad spectrum of both theoretical and practical aspects in PST. By gaining good theoretical and practical insight students find it easy to establish themselves in the Sri Lankan polymer based industries and academia. In addition, the course curriculum contains sufficient academic depth such that it will create a golden platform for students to proceed for higher degrees at national as well as international level.

For more information contact

Dr. Thusitha Etampawala
M.Sc. Degree/Postgraduate Diploma in Polymer Science and Technology
Email: tetampa@sjp.ac.lk