Tissa central college visit the Zoology museum

Students and staff members of science union, 2019 batch of Tissa central college, Kaluthara visited the museum of the department of Zoology on 5th July, 2018. Interactive session and discussion with students and teachers were conducted by the curator Mr. R. Petiyagoda.

The Museum is open to University students, Schools and general public. Anyone can make a reservation by contacting the head of the department (pathmalal@sjp.ac.lk) or Mr. Ravindra Pethiyagoda, Museum Curator (071 443 9367).


Optimising a solvent system for lipid extraction from cyanobacterium Microcystis spp.: future perspective for biodiesel production

Author: D.A.T. Madusanka and Pathmalal M Manage
Journal: Journal of National Science Foundation

Due to unsustainability of petro derived fuels, the world is now concerned about alternative, sustainable and eco-friendly energy production. As a successful alternative energy, biodiesel plays a major role to replace petrodiesel.



Visited one of the most advanced research vessels, Dr. Fridtjof Nansen

One of the most advanced research vessels in the world, the Dr. Fridtjof Nansen, arrived in Colombo to conduct surveys on fisheries resources and the marine ecosystem around Sri Lanka on 21.06.2018 and the Aquatic students of the Department of Zoology, University of Sri Jayewardenepura got a chance to visit this research vessel on 23.06.2018.

The research vessel Dr. Fridtjof Nansen is owned by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) and is jointly operated by the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research (IMR) and FAO.

Evaluation of Well water quality with special emphasis on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) at Maharagama, Sri Lanka

Author: GSS Ganegoda, Pathmalal M Manage and S Pathirage
Journal: Journal of Ecotechnology Research

In the present study 800 well water samples were collected from five Grama Niladhari (GN) divisions situated in Maharagama, Sri Lanka. The area is highly populated and urbanized with a very shallow ground water table. Ground water quality was analyzed and compared with different GN divisions identifying well water contamination pattern using Principal Component Analysis (PCA).
