Guest lecture on “Eco-system survey conducted by the Dr. Fridjof Nansen Research vessel around the coastal waters of Sri Lanka”

A guest lecture on “Eco-system survey conducted by the Dr. Fridjof Nansen
Research vessel around the coastal waters of Sri Lanka” organized by the Aquatic
Students’ Association was held at Biology auditorium on 23.08.2018. Dr. Prabath
Jayasinghe, senior scientist at NARA and the local cruise leader of Dr. Fridjof
Nansen Research vessel was our guest speaker. A former aquatic science student,
Ms. Udeshika Wimalasiri also attended for Dr. Fridtjof Nansen resource survey
and she shared her experiences with aquatic students.

Tissa central college visit the Zoology museum

Students and staff members of science union, 2019 batch of Tissa central college, Kaluthara visited the museum of the department of Zoology on 5th July, 2018. Interactive session and discussion with students and teachers were conducted by the curator Mr. R. Petiyagoda.

The Museum is open to University students, Schools and general public. Anyone can make a reservation by contacting the head of the department ( or Mr. Ravindra Pethiyagoda, Museum Curator (071 443 9367).