Sumedha Ranasinghe, athlete from Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura repr...
International Exchange Internship Program /FAS, University of Sri Jayewardenepura-Sri Lanka Uni...
Lectures of Faculty of Applied Sciences will be conducted from 10 August 2015 as per the time tables...
Get your Library Clearance Certificate from the library inquiry desk on or before 11th of July 201...
Sky Café, the current talk of the town is located on the fourth floor of the latest addition to the...
Sky Café, the current talk of the town is located on the fourth floor of the latest addition to the...
The opening ceremony of the new wing of the faculty complex at the Faculty of Applied Scienc...
On June 22nd, 2016 there will be a guest lecture on “Discovering New Particles” by Prof. Sally...
This is with reference to your application for the aptitude test for the admission of students for t...
Faculty of Applied Sciences and Faculty of Medical Sciences signed a MOU with TIIKM( The Internation...
A half day work shop organized by the internal quality assurance team/FAS on ‘Quality assurance an...
The Annual General Meeting of the Department of Forestry and Environmental science was held on the 1...
A half day workshop for the academic staff of Faculty of applied sciences(FAS) on quality assuranc...
International Industrial Mathematics Conference-I (I2MC-I), 2016 is the first ever academic conferen...
Haritha Wasanthaya, the annual Sinhala Tamil New year celebrations organized by the Department of Fo...